slayeroffice - web experiments gone horribly awry

Looking for the drawings? They're over here, and my drawing blog is this way.

Letter Spacing Marquee

  • Current Version: 1.0
  • Last Revision: 06.26.2004
  • Language: Javascript
  • Requires: MSIE6, Mozilla, Firefox, Opera 7+, Netscape 6+, Safari

This marquee uses the letter-spacing CSS attribute to expand and contract the text for an interesting transition. It degrades well in NN4.x

The marquee text is defined by the contents of the DIV elements within the "mContainer" DIV, meaning you can add more marquee strings by adding more DIVs without modifying the script.

Note: Opera 7+ does not seem to like altering letter-spacing, so it just "flips" the text strings. It still functions as a marquee, it just skips the letter-spacing bit.
